Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ole NC Bar-B-Que

Every Friday at our office, is ‘Free Lunch Friday’. That is when the pharmaceutical companies come and ply our favor with free meals. Seeing as how I rarely know which company is supplying that days lunch, it does not seem to be money well spent. Or you could take the flip side of that coin and say that I am not important, so they could care less if I know them or not. I prefer to ignore the latter.
A month or two ago, my friend Jenny and I were extremely busy around lunch time Friday, which is very annoying, if anyone from my job is reading this don’t schedule patients around lunchtime Friday (yes Megan I am talking to you). We weren’t able to make it back for lunch, but luckily there were leftovers and someone saved Jenny and me a plate. Now why would the leftovers matter if we already had a plate saved for us, you will soon see why. Lunch was catered from Ole NC Bar-B-Que. I had never heard of this place before, but every time I have mentioned the name since, people’s eyes light up with glee. Jenny and I ate more food than any two people ever should that day for lunch, and then we ate some more. Fried chicken, roasted chicken, bar-b-que, coleslaw, banana pudding, strawberry shortcake and the like. It was heavenly.
After this lunch, my roommate and I googled Ole NC Bar-B-Que and found out that it was a few miles from our house. Then that asshole went there two times without me before I even had the chance. Finally yesterday we were able to make a trip to the source of my gluttonous lunch so I could once again punish myself with overeating. I hadn’t eaten anything all day, and it was around 3:30 in the afternoon when we arrived, I haven’t been hungry since and it is lunchtime the next day. Ole NC Bar-B-Que has a buffet. It is stocked with a myriad of chicken (friend, roasted, bar-b-que’d, etc), great chopped bar-b-que, coleslaw, chitlins, corn, black eyed peas, and all of the other fixins you would expect from a country kitchen table.
I am in love with their fried chicken, the bar-b-que, the coleslaw, the banana pudding, and the hushpuppies. Some of the sides do not measure up (the mashed potatoes can’t be from fresh potatoes, the macaroni and cheese is nowhere close to my great grandma’s), but with unlimited trips for only $6.79 it is well worth plowing thru some duds to find all of the great items. And maybe my favorite part is that when you order sweet tea, you get a glass and a pitcher for refills. It is awesome!
I love Ole North Carolina Bar-B-Que and I am a southern boy who has been eating this food all his life, so I feel that I am a well qualified judge. And with a buffet meal and drink coming in at under 10 bucks, if I am wrong would it really be that big of a deal?

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