Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dinner Party

It takes quite a bit of work to become one of my favorite people.  Megan Avots has somehow been able to achieve that status in the mere six months that she has known me.  Despite this rare acclaim, I was not sure how good dinner at her house would be tonite.  Not because I don’t hold her cooking abilities in high esteem, only because she is a long time vegetarian and had decided, in an attempt to please the masses, to cook shrimp and grits. 
Shrimp and grits, is a staple of southern cuisine.  A million restaurants in this area have their own twist, and it takes a deft touch to make your own version stand out.  On top of that, shrimp are harder to cook than people think.  They can become over done in a matter of seconds, and if you do not eat them, how do you know if they are perfect?  Megan knows, as always Megan knows. 
It is this omniscient personality trait that makes Megan someone you love and slightly loathe (kind of like how you hate Roy Williams if you aren’t a UNC fan, not b/c of him, just because he is so good at what he does).  Her version of shrimp and grits was a luscious, creamy, decadent version of grits, topped with julienned peppers and onions, and perfectly cooked shrimp.  The fresh and light shrimp and veg contrasted expertly with the grits, creating a symphony of flavors, and a new kind of shrimp and grits, completely divergent from the normal heavy, bacon ravaged version we have come to love.   This new take on shrimp and grits was different, but just like the old one, it was delicious. 

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