Monday, November 2, 2009

Air Chilled, Every Time

Over the course of the past year or two there has been a huge movement towards the consumption of air chilled poultry. Many say that the air chilling process (as opposed to chilling the meat in ice water post slaughter) is safer in that it produces fewer occurrences of bacteria. This claim is scantily backed by true scientific evidence, however I can vouch for the claim that the taste of air chilled chicken is miles ahead of its counterpart. The difference in taste is due to the fact that a chicken chilled in ice water takes on anywhere from 2 to 12% of its post chilled weight from the water bath. This means that part of what you are paying for is water, and the juices from the bird are diluted. With air chilled chicken you are getting a more concentrated chicken flavor and a more desirable texture. Whole Foods has recently converted all of its full-service meat counters to air chilled chicken, and Harris Teeter along with many other grocery stores have air chilled selections available. It is a few dollars more expensive, but infinitely worth it. I have been a fan of air chilled chicken for a few years now, and I have brought many over to my team. Hopefully, you will be the next.


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